Horse in Motion


It may come as a surprise in the twenty-first century to discover that, in the 1880s, details of how objects move were unknown. The human eye, unaided, cannot resolve the details of fast motion. Eadweard Muybridge and his experiments with motion photography, such as this series of pictures of a horse's gait, helped solve this mystery.

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Test your mobile phone

TASK 1: Use your mobile phone and take 12 consecutive photos of a classmate as s/he walks leisurely across the classroom. Do not use an app like Stop Motion Recorder or PicPac; use your own skill! Then, place these photos one after the other to see if you can manage to create a short motion picture of "A Student in Motion".

Taking photosTASK 2: Work as a group. For example, six or more students stand shoulder to shoulder and you walk leisurely before them. Depending on the number of photo-shooters, each person can take maximum two photos (without using an app). Before the photo-shooting session, decide how you will trigger the event and how each member will know when they should start and finish taking their photos. The end result should be the same as in Task 1. Tell other groups how you accomplished the task.