Tips on writing articles

Introduction and tips (Writing articles)

  • PLAN your article.
  • Give your article a title.
  • Make sure you have at least 4 paragraphs.
  • Ask rhetorical questions to get your readers' attention. Eg. What would the world be like without oil? What will life be like in 20 years time?
  • Speak directly to your readers. Eg. Let's just imagine some of the possibilities.
  • Give examples where appropriate.
  • Use humour where appropriate
  • Give a conclusion and summary in the last paragraph.
  • Finally, give your opinion where appropriate.
  • REVISE your article to correct mistakes. 
Useful phrases (Writing articles) 

Rhetorical phrases:

  • Have you ever ........?
  • What do you think about ........? 
  • Are you one of those people who thinks that ......?
  • Are you one of those people who .......?
  • What would life be like if ......?
  • Will the future bring us ..... ? 
Introducing your first point:

  • Firstly
  • In the first place
  • First of all
  • The first thing to consider is
  • One thing to consider is
  • To begin with 
 Introducing more points:

  • Secondly
  • Another consideration
  • Yet another consideration
  • Another thing to consider is
  • Added to that
  • Apart from that
  • In addition to this

Introducing your final points:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To sum up
  • So 
Introducing your opinion:

  • I think
  • In my opinion
  • Personally I believe that
  • In my view
  • If you ask me
  • To my mind
  • My personal opinion is

Last modified: Saturday, 26 August 2017, 4:52 AM